Two days full of news and open discussions regarding the use of RES and their further development will bring forth expert perspectives on current topics. We will focus on the new European electricity market design, technological innovations in photovoltaics and energy storage, the use of RES in the heating sector, methods of financing projects, and energy communities. In addition, a rich cultural and social program awaits the participants, who may use the time for further discussions, whether about the content of individual sections or about potential cooperation.
We continuously update the program.
08:00 - 09:00 | Registration | |
09:00 - 09:25 | Welcome and official opening of the conference: Ján Karaba, Director of SAPI | |
Norbert Kurilla Advisor of President of the Slovak Republic on the Environment, Energy, Climate Change and the Business Environment |
Keynote speech: | Catharina Sikow-Magny, DG ENER | |
09:30 - 11:00 | BLOCK I. | |
Panel discussion: Modern energy in Slovakia and Czechia vs. EU Green Deal | ||
Presenter: | Jan Fousek, AKU-BAT CZ / Solární asociace | |
Keynote speech: | Michaela Holl, Agora Energiewende | |
Peter Dovhun, Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic | ||
Speakers: | Andrej Žiarovský, VUJE | |
Zdeněk Čech, Zastúpenie Európskej komisie na Slovensku, team leader - economic team | ||
Karol Galek, Member of Parliament | ||
11:00 - 11:15 | Organisational break | |
11:15 - 12:30 | BLOCK II. | |
Presentations with discussion: Green energy in communities | ||
Presenter: | Ľubica Ragulová, Ernst & Young, s.r.o. | |
Keynote speech: | Patrícia Čekanová, AKE ČR | |
Speakers: | Libor Láznička, SFÉRA, a.s. , Zdieľanie elektriny / Electricity sharing | |
Ján Rapan, Association of Green Roofs and Green Infrastructure | ||
David Blažek, Frank Bold Society | ||
Daniel Zákutný, Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s. | ||
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30 - 14:45 | BLOCK III. | |
PV & Energy Storage | ||
Presenter: | Jan Fousek, AKU-BAT CZ / Solární asociace | |
Speakers: | Daniel Hrčka, Viessmann | |
Peter Baláž, Huawei Technologies | ||
Jan Krčmář, Solární asociace | ||
14:45 - 15:15 | Organisational break | |
15:15 - 16:30 | BLOCK IV. | |
Presentations with discussion: New European electricity market design | ||
Presenter: | Ľubica Ragulová, Ernst & Young, s.r.o. | |
Keynote speech: | Vilislava Ivanova, E3G | |
Speakers: | Juraj Ondrejka, POLÁČEK & PARTNERS, s.r.o. | |
Andrej Juris, ÚRSO | ||
Lukáš Choma, Right Power | ||
16:30 - 16:35 | Conclusion of the professional program of day 1 | |
19:00 - 02:00 | Social evening with a cultural program Dinner / Wine tasting / Folk performance / Free entertainment with DJ / Casino |
09:30 - 10:45 | BLOCK I. | |
Panel discussion: Sustainable finance | ||
Presenter: | Linda Zeilina, ISFC | |
Speakers: | David Rusnok, CLIMATE & COMPANY | |
Joachim Steenstrup, Eurowind energy | ||
Marián Buček, VÚB Banka | ||
10:45 - 11:15 | Organisational break | |
11:15 - 12:45 | BLOCK II. | |
The potential for RES in the heating sector | ||
Presenter: | Ján Lacko, WSB Invest j.s.a. | |
Speakers: | Boris Valach, SAPI | |
Michaela Valentová, ČVUT | ||
Marcel Vratný, MH Teplárenský holding a. s. | ||
Ján Ferenčák, Mayor of Kežmark/Vice President of the Union of Slovak Cities | ||
12:55 - 13:05 | Conclusion of the conference | |
The organizer reserves the right to change the order of the discussions. |
The year 2050 is a milestone that everyone in the energy sector is familiar with. However, the trajectory of RES development that leads to decarbonization still seems to be out of sight. What technologies will play a key role and what energy mix can we expect in the upcoming years? The energy policy of Slovakia and the Czech Republic must be fundamentally reformed - however, not everyone agrees on what their final form should be. In the panel discussion, the Slovak and Czech experts will seek to answer these and many other similar questions.
The political context is merely one of the pillars of energy, which is significantly shaped by the technical aspects and technological progress of RES technologies. Photovoltaics and energy storage are becoming an established pair, and we rarely talk about the use of photovoltaics without mentioning the means of storing excess energy. During this lecture-oriented section, we will present the latest technological solutions that combine photovoltaics and the most efficient methods of energy storage. In addition, we will learn about the innovative use of photovoltaic devices, such as in agrivoltaics.
The European Commission considers the development of community energy an essential element to accomplishing energy transition. These expectations are naturally translated into the legislation of the EU member states, and practical examples of the functioning of energy communities are gradually appearing. However, RES in particular should play a key role, and they are still accompanied by many barriers in Slovakia. The Slovak guests will therefore introduce us to the current Slovak environment together with proposed solutions that could stimulate the growth of community energy in Slovakia. Our foreign speakers will guide us through the situation in other member states and introduce us to the obstacles they had to overcome on the way to the introduction of energy communities. The mentioned topics will be presented through a series of short lectures, followed by a panel discussion (a so-called hybrid format).
The energy crisis has triggered discussions to change the current design of the European electricity market. The European Commission subsequently presented a proposal for a new trade system in which it emphasizes three key pillars - renewable energy sources, consumer protection, and market competitiveness. The form of the energy market, in which electricity prices were held up by fossil fuels and the benefits of RES were limited, should be replaced. How will the new system translate into the Slovak environment and what steps will need to be taken to adapt the Slovak economy? That and much more will be learned in the hybrid format of this section.
The question of the so-called green transition is linked not only to technological solutions but also to the ways of financing the shift away from fossil fuels. The topic of environmental, social, and governance criteria (ESG), taking into account the environmental and social dimensions of the impacts of investments, is increasingly coming to the fore. The European Commission itself has fundamentally dynamized the discussion on investment sustainability through the introduction of the taxonomy regulation in mid-2020, the aim of which is to accelerate green investments and thus support the European economy on the way towards zero emissions. The mentioned topics will be discussed by foreign and domestic experts on sustainable finance together with selected representatives of commercial banks operating in Slovakia.
The topic of renewable energy sources is often connected exclusively to the production of green electricity or the advent of electromobility. The heating and cooling sector of buildings is often neglected in discussions about the green transition. According to current data, this sector is responsible for approximately half of the gross final energy consumption in the EU. In the latest comparison of EU member states, Slovakia ranked 20th in the use of RES in this sector. In this final, lecture-oriented section, we will seek answers on how Slovakia should support the use of RES in its heating sector. In addition to the presentation of a study of the decarbonization of the heating sector in Slovakia, the speakers will present their perspectives and experience from practice, and the issue will also be framed by respected experts from the Czech Republic.
We'll be adding more soon...
Since 2019, he has been managing the Slovak Photovoltaic Industry and RES Association (SAPI), which is the largest professional interest association of renewable energy sources in Slovakia. The main mission of the association is to support the development of sustainable renewable energy. Ján has almost 15 years of experience in the preparation, construction and operation of energy projects focused on the use of renewable energy. He received a master's degree from the Vienna University of Technology in the field of renewable energy.
Dr Boris Valach defended his doctoral dissertation in European Studies and Policies at the Comenius University in Bratislava, which was preceded by Public Policy and International Trade studies. In the renewable energy sector, he has been working as a Project Manager and Policy Analyst for the German consulting company eclareon GmbH since 2016. Boris has participated in several EU-wide research projects financed primarily by the European Commission and German ministries. His area of expertise also includes issues of labour market development related to green transformation, or the sustainable mobility sector. As of 2022, Boris cooperates with the SAPI, where he is currently developing a study on the decarbonisation of the heating sector in Slovakia.
Profesionálna prax:
2020 - 2022 štátny tajomník 2, Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava
2016 - 2020 poslanec, Národná rada Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava
2016 - 2020 predseda, Komisia pre technologický rozvoj a inovácie, Bratislava
2010 - 2016 koordinátor projektov cezhraničnej spolupráce, Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, Rakúsko
2009 - 2015 konateľ, Generm s.r.o., Bratislava
2008 - 2008 business analyst, Enel North Amerika, Andover, USA
2005 - 2008 projektový manažér, Ventureal s.r.o., Bratislava
2004 - 2005 hlavný radca, Inšpektorát kúpeľov a žriedel MZV SR, Bratislava
Vzdelanie a príprava:
2006 - 2009 Renewable Energy in Central & Eastern Europe, Technische Universität, Viedeň
2005 - 2006 Ekonómia, marketing a manažment, Centrum ďalšieho vzdelávania Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave
1999 - 2006 Hydrogeológia a inžinierska geológia, Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave
1993 - 1997 Pozemné staviteľstvo, Stredná priemyselná škola stavebná, Bratislava
Marcel v minulosti riadil rôzne projekty týkajúce sa energetických spoločenstiev a digitalizácie energetických systémov. V súčasnosti sa zameriava na energetickú infraštruktúru, vodík a šírenie rakúskeho modelu energetických spoločenstiev.
Radovan pracoval po ukončení štúdia na úseku úverového rizika v komerčnej banke. Od založení INESS v roku 2006 sa venuje analýzam verejných financií a hospodárskej politiky štátu. Je autorom viacerých publikácií zameraných na zdaňovanie a sociálny systém. V poslednom období sa venuje problematike dekarbonizácie a hľadaniu hodnoty za peniaze v tejto oblasti.
Vystudoval anorganickou chemii na Karlově univerzitě v Praze, pracovní cestu začal jako odborný asistent ve Výzkumném ústavu vodohospodářském. Po listopadu 89 přešel do obchodní sféry a přes 14 let sbíral zkušenosti v oblasti průmyslových plynů. Jako obchodní ředitel pracoval v oblasti průmyslových čerpadel. S předním EPC dodavatelem v oblasti ropy a zemního plynu řídil domácí i zahraniční plynárenské projekty. Poskytuje podporu Business mentoringu pro malé a střední podniky. Podílel se na aktivitách předních výrobních a strojírenských společností v mezinárodních projektech v energetice. Působil v oddělení Energetického manažera na Magistrátu hlavního města Prahy, nyní pomáhá s rozběhem aktivit Pražského společenství obnovitelné energie.
Pracuje na Prognostickom ústave Centra spoločenských a psychologických vied Slovenskej akadémie vied ako vedecký pracovník. Venuje sa najmä kvantitatívnym metódam výskumu, matematickému modelovaniu, príprave prognóz a scenárov so zameraním na energetiku, životné prostredie a zmenu klímy. Podieľala sa na príprave energeticko emisného modelu SR. Posledné roky sa intenzívne venuje problematike energetickej chudoby na národnej aj medzinárodnej úrovni.
Po ukončení štúdia ekonómie a obchodu na Universita' Cattolica v Miláne na konci roku 1998 som začal svoju profesionálnu kariéru ako finančný analytik v talianskej IBM, kde som zastával pozíciu vedúceho tímu v divízii globálnych služieb. V roku 2002 som nastúpil do vydavateľskej skupiny Reed-Elsevier ako finančný kontrolór pre jej taliansku pobočku. V roku 2005 som prevzal pozíciu finančného riaditeľa v Cohn&Wolfe, PR agentúre mediálnej a reklamnej skupiny WPP. Od októbra 2006 do augusta 2011 som zastával pozíciu manažéra interného auditu v ENEL Slovenské Elektrárne, slovenský výrobca elektriny. Od septembra 2011 som zodpovedný za firemný predaj a energetické služby v Slovenských elektrárňach pre slovenský a český trh.
Milan má skúsenosti v oblasti trvalo udržateľného rozvoja, problematiky životného prostredia a zmeny klímy, vlády, energetickej politiky a environmentálneho povedomia. Jeho najväčšou devízou sú dlhoročné skúsenosti s rôznymi politikami v oblasti zmeny klímy na rôznych úrovniach a medzi rôznymi zainteresovanými stranami. Jeho skúsenosti s procesnou aj vecnou podporou medzivládnych procesov v politickom prostredí pochádzajú z pozícií experta, predsedu, diplomata a riaditeľa.
Je absolventom gymnázia v Senici so zameraním na fyziku, matematiku a informatiku. V roku 1994 úspešne ukončil štúdium na Fakulte elektrotechniky a informatiky STU v Bratislave so zameraním na konštrukciu počítačov a informatiku. Pracoval na rôznych pozíciách v spoločnosti MicroStep – HDO s.r.o. So svojim tímom sa venoval návrhu, vývoju a programovaniu embedded zariadení, návrhu a vývoju zariadení pre automatizáciu technológií v priemysle, budov a technológiu fotovoltaických elektrární. V súčasnosti pôsobí vo funkcii obchodného riaditeľa spoločnosti MicroStep Invest s.r.o. a je jeden z konateľov. Spolupracuje s asociáciou AKU-BAT CZ, kde pôsobí aj v technickej pracovnej skupine.
Pôsobí ako analytik v Institute 2050 a výskumný pracovník na Katedre environmentálních studií Masarykovej univerzity v Brne. Dlhodobo sa venuje skúmaniu postojov a správania spoločnosti k prírode a životnému prostrediu. Podieľal sa na viacerých výskumoch verejnej mienky v oblasti zmeny klímy a transformácii k nízkouhlíkovej ekonomike. Je hlavným autorom reprezentatívneho šetrenia Slovenská klíma 2022.
Od absolvovania štúdia na FEI TUKE v roku 2003 sa profesijne venuje oblastiam týkajúcim sa rozvoju distribučných sústav (DS). V spoločnosti Východoslovenská distribučná, a. s., ktorá je prevádzkovateľom regionálnej distribučnej sústavy (PDS), sa aktuálne venuje témam spojeným so stratégiou obnovy a rozvoja distribučnej sústavy, technickým podmienkam pripojenia a prevádzky užívateľov sústavy, matematickému modelovaniu sústavy. Do jeho pôsobnosti tak patrí aj aktualizácia dokumentu Technické podmienky PDS, technické časti procesu pripájania zdrojov do DS, koordinácia prevádzky laboratórií VSD, ktoré sa nachádzajú na pôde TUKE. Je alebo bol členom viacerých pracovných skupín zastrešených organizáciami CIRED, Eurelectric, ktoré sa zaoberajú uvedenými oblasťami.
Michal Hudec je riaditeľom odboru organizácie trhu a regulačnej politiky na Úrade pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví. V rokoch 2016 – 2021 bol predsedom Združenia dodávateľov energií a spoločníkom malej konzultačnej firmy Energy Analytics. V minulosti zakladal prvý odborný online denník o energetike na Slovensku – Jeho vydavateľom bol od roku 2010 až do roku 2017, kedy svoj podiel v spoločnosti odpredal. V období 2011 - 2013 vykonával funkciu NCP - národného kontaktného bodu pre výskumné a vývojové projekty 7. rámcového programu EÚ (FP7) v téme "energetika". V rokoch 2011 – 2016 pôsobil v dozornej rade známej technologickej spoločnosti GA Drilling, ktorá sa orientuje na výskum a vývoj bezkontaktných technológií pre ultrahlboké vŕtanie. Na začiatku roku 2012 absolvoval expertný "International Visitor Leadership Program" v USA v téme "U.S. Foreign Policy and Energy Security". Program zastrešuje americké ministerstvo zahraničia (U.S. State Department). Michal Hudec (1984) úspešne ukončil univerzitné štúdium, absolvoval študijnú stáž v zahraničí a vystúpil na viacerých renomovaných slovenských a medzinárodných energetických fórach. Príležitostne prednášal na univerzite ako hosťujúci lektor.
Věnuju se potenciálu agrivoltaiky a podmínkám pro její provozování v ČR. Zajímám se o téma funkčního využití krajiny, mj. s ohledem na potřebu výstavby OZE (REPowerEU) a posilování adaptačních schopností krajiny (Restore). V minulosti jsem publikoval o aktivní spotřebě energie, komunitní energetice a vodíku. Můj poslední research paper se věnoval územní stopě a energetické bilanci biopaliv první generace.
Jan Fousek is CEO of the Association for Energy Storage AKU-BAT CZ, which supports the development of energy storage, production of hydrogen, flexibility aggregation, building of infrastructure for e-mobility and overall modernization of the Czech energy and industry sector. Jan Fousek acts also as the Chairman of the Board in Solar Association and as the Member of the Board in Modern Energy Union (Svaz moderni energetiky). He has been active in the energy markets since 2007. In the years 2011-2016, he was co-owner and managing director of one of the largest European trading houses with emission allowances and electricity, Virtuse Energy.
Jan worked in various positions in the renewable energy industry since 2006. He was responsible for whole project life cycle of clean energy infrastructure projects as well as projects acquisitions at an international company for CEE region and Western Balkans. He was also engaged with key stakeholders as governments, local authorities, and financial institutions. From 2013 he is active as an executive committee member at Slovak Association of Photovoltaic and RES (SAPI).
Veronika Oravcová pôsobí ako analytička v Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku (SFPA) a zároveň vedecko-výskumná pracovníčka na Katedre politológie Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Zaoberá sa problematikou energetickej tranzície a energetickej bezpečnosti v strednej a východnej Európe. Je spoluautorkou knihy From Economic to Energy Transition. Three Decades of Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe (Palgrave: London, 2021), viacerých kapitol o energetickej tranzícii a analytických výstupov o energetickej politike v regióne.
Tamás sa grantom a dotáciám venuje od samého začiatku svojej profesionálnej kariéry. Svoje bohaté skúsenosti zbieral z oboch strán barikády, zo strany poskytovateľov aj žiadateľov o granty a dotácie. Myšlienku spojiť rokmi overené “kamenné” postupy grantového poradenstva s modernými technológiami pretavil spolu s kolegami do reality v roku 2016, kedy vznikol portál GrantExpert. Jeho víziou je vytvoriť platformu s transparentnými a férovými pravidlami pre všetkých zainteresovaných.
Daniel pred nástupom do Huawei pracoval a študoval v Európe a Číne. Po dvoch rokoch strávených v Číne sa v súčasnosti venuje výrobe a distribúcii obnoviteľnej energie pre udržateľnú budúcnosť. Výzvou, na ktorú sa v súčasnosti zameriava, je najmä využívanie elektrickej energie z fotovoltiky a nabíjania EV šetrné k sieti. Konzultuje so zákazníkmi, aby získali správne riešenie pre väčšie fotovoltické projekty, systémy na ukladanie batérií a riešenia nabíjania EV.
Zdeněk graduated at the Master's programme in Finance of the University of Economics in Prague, and gained additional M.A. Degree from the International Joint European Study Programme, including studies at the Staffordshire University (UK) and University of Antwerp (B). He also attended study programmes on public finances at the London School of Economics (UK) and at the IMF Institute (Washington D.C., USA). He holds a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) from the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) and was lecturing at the Charles University, University of Economics in Prague and HUB Brussel. He published a number of articles, in particular on issues related on the economics of monetary integration. Work experience: Zdeněk started his career in 1997 as a monetary economist at the Czech National Bank. He joined the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs in 2003. He worked as a country desk for several Member States and subsequently on introduction of the euro. During the economic and financial crisis, he co-operated with the IMF on establishing financial safety nets in the South-Eastern Europe. In 2009, he acted as a Ministerial Deputy of the Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic at the G20 meetings, in the framework of the EU Presidency. In years 2013-2020, he worked as a senior economist and Deputy Head at the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic. Since September 2020, he holds a position of the Head of the Economic Analyses Section in the European Commission Representation in Slovakia, Bratislava. He is currently dealing with the Recovery and Resilience Plan implementation, as a staff member of the RECOVER task force within the European Commission. He specialises in issues related to green transition, energy sector and public finances.
Už počas vysokej školy na Strojníckej fakulte Slovenskej technickej univerzity sa rozhodol, že jeho poslaním budú obnoviteľné zdroje energie. Chce totiž, aby ich ľudia používali čo najviac, riadili sa pri tom neskreslenými informáciami a aby im OZE prinášali návratnosť a efektívnosť s dobre využitou energiou. Pri hľadaní práce bol preto pre neho Viessmann jasnou voľbou a svoju misiu Daniel teraz napĺňa na pozícii: vedúci oddelenia fotovoltické systémy a poradca pre obnoviteľné zdroje energie. Pripravuje inovatívne a systémové riešenia pre OZE a všetky významné projekty v oblasti fotovoltiky. Na jeho práci ho najviac baví zostavovať systémy na obnoviteľné zdroje tak, aby do seba zapadli ako dokonalá skladačka. Daniel a jeho tím prinášajú na trh rôzne inovácie ako napr. biosolárne fotovoltické strechy, carporty alebo energetická komunita Viessmann Share. Reálne skúsenosti z trhu v slovenských podmienkach sa snaží odovzdávať na rôznych konferenciách a ako člen vo viacerých pracovných skupinách venujúcich sa téme obnoviteľných zdrojov.
Ing. Peter Dovhun je absolvent Fakulty zahraničného obchodu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. V pozícii predsedu predstavenstva a generálneho riaditeľa Slovenskej elektrizačnej prenosovej sústavy (SEPS) pôsobí od februára 2021. Do tímu výkonného manažmentu spoločnosti prináša viac ako 25 rokov manažérskych a podnikateľských skúseností s budovaním a vedením tímov, manažmentu zmeny, rozvoja a udržateľného rastu organizácií.
V roku 1996 stál pri vzniku úspešnej PR agentúry Interel (dnešný Seesame), v rokoch 2000 až 2011 pôsobil vo vedúcich manažérskych pozíciách v nadnárodných spoločnostiach Motorola a Microsoft. Svoje skúsenosti následne využil pri dvojročnom reštrukturalizačnom projekte skupiny s&t, najväčšieho stredoeurópskeho systémového integrátora. V rokoch 2013-2018 viedol expanziu slovenskej softvérovej spoločnosti Gratex International na medzinárodných trhoch. Veľkú časť tohto obdobia žil a pracoval v Austrálii. Po návrate na Slovensko sa podieľal na založení softvérového R&D centra spoločnosti Tachyum, inovatívneho start up vyvíjajúceho prvý univerzálny, vysokovýkonný a energeticky úsporný CPU čip. Pred menovaním do súčasnej funkcie pôsobil ako konzultant a poradca pre lídrov súkromných spoločností a verejných organizácií vrátane Ministerstva Financií SR a pod neho spadajúce organizácie.
Mgr. Ľubica Ragulová works in the consulting company EY, focusing on the topics of energy and sustainability. It deals with the development of the EU's internal electricity market, related legislative and regulatory issues, the development of RES and low-carbon investments, as well as issues of sustainability and decarbonization in the field of energy. Before joining EY, she worked for several years at Východoslovenská energetika Holding, a.s. as manager for strategic development and strategic projects and support of the German shareholder's board of directors. She graduated from the Comenius University, majoring in European Studies and International Relations with a focus on the energy security of the European Union in the area of the natural gas market. She completed study stays in Germany and the Czech Republic. He also deals with the topic of environmental protection and leads the voluntary international Impact Platform for Conscious Ecology at the GIFEW Institute.
Lukáš vyštudoval bakalárske štúdium ekonómie na britskej univerzite City University London, kde následne získal aj magisterský titul v odbore environmentálne technológie a ekonómia. Už počas štúdia pracoval v RIGHT POWER, najskôr na Slovensku ako obchodník pre divíziu distribúcie energií koncovým zákazníkom, neskôr sa presťahoval do Ostravy, kde zastával úlohu komoditného obchodníka s energiami na burze. Od roku 2019 zastáva pozíciu podpredsedu predstavenstva s hlavnou zodpovednosťou v oblasti financovania, rozvoja projektov obnoviteľnej energie, projektov batériových úložísk.
Od roku 2006 prešla v energetike viacerými odvetviami, v skupine SLOVINTEGRA sa podieľala na výstavbe a riadila prevádzku distribučnej siete a paroplynovej elektrárne, vo VSE a RWE koordinovala predaj pre verejný sektor a neskôr bola vrchným riaditeľom pre prevádzku na SEPS, a.s. a vedúcou pre európsku a strategickú reguláciu v SE, a.s.. Dnes zastupuje dodávateľský sektor z pozície predsedu Združenia dodávateľov energií na Slovensku. Vyštudovala Európske štúdie na Univerzite Mateja Bela a Medzinárodné vzťahy a diplomaciu v Prahe. Je odborníkom v oblasti európskej energetickej transformácie a dokáže vniesť nadhľad na fungovanie európskej a slovenskej energetiky.
Veronika bola spoluzakladateľkou a 10 rokov riaditeľkou SAPI. Od roku 2009 až do súčasnosti sa popri materskej venuje aj vlastnej firme GENERM s.r.o. zameranej na poradenstvo OZE. Vyštudovala geológiu na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UK v Bratislave. Bola hnacím motorom mnohých legislatívnych zmien, iniciatív, podaní či petícií v tejto oblasti na Slovensku. OZE, ochrana životného prostredia a férové podmienky na podnikanie sú jej obrovskou vášňou.
Oldřich Sklenář je analytikem Výzkumného centra AMO, kde je členem klimatického týmu. Zabývá se problematikou energetiky a produkce skleníkových plynů. Vystudoval obory Energetická a procesní zařízení na Vysokém učením technickém v Brně a Environmentální studia na Masarykově univerzitě. Kromě toho absolvoval také studijní stáž na Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Svoji profesní kariéru začínal jako projektant v energetice. Poté pracoval pro několik organizací, včetně nevládních, se zaměřením na rozvoj obnovitelných zdrojů a energetický management. Zatím největší část své kariéry strávil na pozici manažera v oblasti vývoje a výroby elektrických strojů. Kromě AMO působí také jako konzultant v rámci projektu Fakta o klimatu.
Jakub vyštudoval právo na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Úspešne ukončil doktorandské štúdium zamerané na zmluvu o dielo v stavebníctve a zmluvné podmienky FIDIC. V Poláček & Partners pôsobí od roku 2017 a zameriava sa predovšetkým na stavebníctvo a s ním súvisiace otázky. Na práve ho najviac baví nachádzanie efektívnych riešení zdanlivo neriešiteľných situácií.
Po absolvovaní štúdia elektroenergetiky na Fakulte elektrotechniky a informatiky STU od roku 2014 pracoval ako technický a projektový manažér v oblasti výstavby, modernizácie a prevádzky elektroenergetických projektov OZE a projektov podporných služieb pre prenosovú sústavu na Slovensku ako aj v zahraničí. Od roku 2020 pracuje v spoločnosti OKTE, a.s. v súčasnosti na pozícii vedúci odboru OZE. V rámci spoločnosti sa venuje zúčtovaniu prevádzkovej podpory OZE/VÚKVET a problematike záruk pôvodu elektriny.
Guy spolupracuje s WindEurope viac ako tri roky. Špecializuje sa na komunikáciu a poskytuje poradenstvo vyjednávacím tímom zameraným na rôzne oblasti. Zaujíma ho najmä akceptácia veternej energie a angažovanosť komunity. Počas štúdia sa špecializoval na európske záležitosti a ekonómiu, najmä ekonómiu životného prostredia.
Dlhodobo sa venuje téme samospráv. Od roku 2007 pôsobí v Komunálnom výskumnom poradenskom centre n.o. V súčasnosti zastáva pozíciu výkonnej viceprezidentky Únie miest Slovenska. V minulosti pracovala na vysokých pozíciách na pôde MF SR, podieľala sa na realizácii veľkých štátnych projektov. Má skúsenosti v pozícii krízového manažéra v súkromnej sfére. Venuje sa tiež spoločensky dôležitým projektom v zdravotníctve a sociálnej oblasti.
Naomi is heading the Regulatory Affairs team of SolarPower Europe. With more than 6 years of experience in public affairs, she coordinates the development of positions of the association on energy regulation and coordinates the Advocacy Committee of SolarPower Europe. Prior to this, Naomi Chevillard has worked for in the Directorate for European Affairs for the French TSO RTE in its Brussels office. She also worked in Paris for the SGAE, the Prime Minister office in charge of preparing France’s position in EU negotiations, and for LEMS, an offshore wind industrial consortium gathering ENGIE, EDPR and Caisse des Dépôts. Naomi has a degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Toulouse in France.
Vladislav vyštudoval Fakultu podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. V minulosti sa venoval regulácii v Slovenských elektrárňach a neskôr v Stredoslovenskej energetike. V súčasnosti pracuje ako riaditeľ sekcie regulácia v Stredoslovenskej distribučnej, a.s.
Celý svůj profesní život se věnuji prosazování udržitelné energetiky. Před založením společnosti Budovy21 jsem 11 let pracoval jako ředitel Šance pro budovy, profesního svazu energeticky úsporného stavebnictví, který jsem od jeho založení v roce 2010 vybudoval v respektovanou organizaci. Před tím jsem 3 roky sloužil na Ministerstvu životního prostředí jako poradce ministrů a ředitel odboru udržitelné energetiky a dopravy. Řadu let jsem pracoval jako vedoucí energetické sekce ekologické organizace Hnutí Duha. Jako poradce na volné noze jsem také hodnotil projekty financované z fondů EHP/Norska. Pro konzultační společnost SEVEn jsem asistoval městům v jejich zapojení do Paktu primátorů a starostů, evropské iniciativy zaměřené na orgány místní a regionální správy, které se dobrovolně zavázaly zvýšit energetickou účinnost a používání obnovitelných zdrojů energie. Mimo české prostředí často pracuji v Bruselu a pomáhám nastavovat evropskou legislativu a ekonomické nástroje. Spoluzakládal jsem Central and Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum (C4E Forum) a tím jsem rozšířil svůj záběr také o region střední a východní Evropy. V Rumunsku jsem společně s dalšími partnery inicioval vznik byznysové asociace Roenef. Pro Evropskou komisi jsem jako poradce navrhoval nastavení rámce pro energetické úspory na Ukrajině. Bakalářský titul jsem získal z odborné fyziky ( PřF MU ), ve své závěrečné práci jsem zpracoval zjednodušený energetický posudek školní budovy. Magisterské studium humanitní environmentalistiky (FSS MU) jsem zakončil diplomovou prací, která se věnovala vztahu rozvoje obnovitelných zdrojů a demokratizace společnosti. Od července 2021 se vrhám do nové etapy. Založil jsem poradenskou společnost Budovy21. Proč 21? Kvalitní budovy pro 21. století. Založená v roce 2021. A oko přece bere.
Tomáš od roku 2017 řídí náš tým obchodníků, zaměřený na flexibilitu. Jeho odbornost spočívá v oblasti kombinované výroby tepla a elektřiny. V Nano Energies pracuje od roku 2014, nejprve jako analytik, později jako provozní ředitel a následně jako Country Manager se zaměřením na Česko, a od roku 2022 také na Slovensko. Pracoval také ve společnosti TechSoft Engineering, kde se zabýval virtuálním prototypováním pro optimalizaci parních a vodních turbín. Tomáš je držitelem doktorátu ze strojní fakulty ČVUT.
Hoci študoval archeológiu na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave, našiel záľubu v segmente energetiky, v ktorom pôsobí už 13 rokov na manažérskych pozíciách. Založil spoločnosť Greenlogy, kde má na starosti obchod a stratégiu. Je nadšencom pre obnoviteľné zdroje a nové technológie v oblasti energetiky. Greenlogy vykupuje a dodáva svojim odberateľom výhradne zelenú elektrinu a ako prvé prinieslo na slovenský trh funkčné riešenie pre online (bezpapierové) vytvorenie a podpisovanie zmlúv pre výrobcov a odberateľov.
Vystudoval ČVUT v Praze FEL, obor Elektrotechnologie a materiály. Studium ukončil v roce 2010 obhajobou disertační práce v oblasti spínaných zdrojů. Od roku 2010 pracuje na pozici odborného asistenta ČVUT FEL. Dříve se zabýval problematikou spínaných zdrojů z hlediska technologie jejich návrhu. V současnosti se zabývá mezioborovou problematikou elektrochemických zdrojů a fotovoltaikou. Je manažerem kvality a metrologem akreditované Laboratoře diagnostiky fotovoltaických systémů (LDFS) ČVUT FEL. V Univerzitním centru energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT (UCEEB) se orientuje na problematiku fotovoltaických systémů z komplexního hlediska. Dále působí jako vedoucí pracovní skupiny pro malé zdroje a akumulaci v rámci Solární Asociace (SA).
Tomáš pôsobí v energetike od roku 2007. V súčasnosti pracuje v spoločnosti Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. ako vedúci regulácie a tiež koordinuje realizáciu EÚ PCI smart grid projektov ACON a Danube InGrid.
Branislav je vedúcim konzultačného oddelenia spoločnosti Solargis. Branislav po vyštudovaní odboru Elektronika získaval skúsenosti z oblasti konštrukcie a programovania elektronických zariadení, ktoré od roku 2010 uplatňuje aj v solárnej energetike. Popri bežnej príprave analýz a štúdií fotovoltických elektrární sa aktívne podieľa aj na vývoji modelov a funkcionalít simulátora na výpočet výroby elektrickej energie, integrovaného do digitálnej platformy, ktorá ponúka meteorologické údaje, softvér a poradenstvo v oblasti solárnej energetiky. Spoločnosť Solargis od svojho založenia v roku 2010 vyvinula globálne IT služby založené na inovatívnych biznisových modeloch, ktoré podporujú celý životný cyklus solárnych elektrární. Developeri fotovoltických elektrární, prevádzkovatelia a finančné inštitúcie využívajú Solargis služby na plánovanie, monitorovanie a predikciu výroby slnečnej elektriny.
Vyštudoval Ekonomickú univerzitu v Bratislave. V sektore energetiky pôsobí 9 rokov. V rámci spoločnosti ZSE Energia sa venuje oblasti produktového manažmentu, cenotvorby, marketingu a hlavne rozvoju obnoviteľných zdrojov a nových technológií. Primárne sa zameriava na prepojenie tradičného obchodu s komoditami s novými technologickými a trhovými riešeniami. Verí v energetiku 4.0, ktorá je cestou k inteligentným sieťam, mestám, firmám a domácnostiam. V rámci spoločnosti ZSE Energia je projektovým manažérom projektu ELSEA – veľkokapacitného batériového úložiska v strednej Európe a pripravuje pilotné projekty zamerané na agregáciu, flexibilitu a energetické spoločenstvá. Predtým pôsobil v bankovníctve a v oblasti prieskumov a analýz trhu.
Pracuje ako hlavný štátny radca na Odbore politiky znižovania emisií skleníkových plynov Ministerstva životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky. V rámci klimatickej architektúry EÚ sa venuje legislatíve spoločného úsilia, kde patria sektory, ktoré nie sú zaradené do systému obchodovania s emisnými kvótami. V rámci systému obchodovania sa zaoberá leteckou dopravou a novým systémom obchodovania pre sektor budov a cestnej dopravy. Spolupracuje na príprave Národnej inventúry emisií skleníkových plynov Slovenskej republiky a predkladaní správ o politikách a opatreniach a projekciách emisií skleníkových plynov podľa nariadenia o riadení energetickej únie a opatrení v oblasti klímy. Pri implementácii politík a opatrení na znižovanie emisií skleníkových plynov sa špecializuje hlavne na sektor poľnohospodárstva. V minulosti sa venoval krajinnej ekológii a výskumnej činnosti v tejto oblasti.
Michaela Holl is a Senior Associate at Agora Energiewende in Brussels, a non-profit think tank which seeks to advance the goal of climate neutrality in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world with evidence-based and politically viable ideas. She follows the implementation of the eu green deal and green finance for Agora. Previously she spent 16 years at the European Commission in the departments of health and consumer (2004-2009) and energy (2009-2021) where she covered inter alia renewables energy infrastructure, renewables finance and energy efficiency in buildings. She is co-host of the bi-monthly EU energy transition podcast WatterMatters.
Linda is the Founder & CEO of ISFC, where she oversees its work on sustainability strategies, sustainable investing, and international ESG standardisation efforts. In 2023, Linda was selected as the 2023 Obama Europe Leader, and she joined the EU's Platform on Sustainable Finance to advise on the usability of the EU Taxonomy and the wider sustainable finance framework.
Linda is a Fellow at the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) in London, a non-executive director at a London-based logistics startup, Pedal Me, and a Member of the Agora Energiewende Council for Europe. She is also an advisory board member at the Romanian Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (RoSIF) and the Czech Sustainable Investing Forum (CzechSIF).
In 2021, Linda spent a few months as a Policy Leader Fellow at the EUI's School of Transnational Governance in Florence, where she focused on the EU sustainable finance rules and the role of impact investing. Linda is now working with the Florence School of Banking and Finance on climate-related prudential supervision and green bonds.
Previously, Linda was a Director at Re-Define, a London-based boutique consultancy working on advising major financial sector actors across Europe and in the US on climate finance and sustainability integration. In the past, Linda's work has focused on ways to drive transformational change, and how to develop and implement internal corporate sustainability initiatives.
Over the years, she has worked as an advisor to prominent politicians, large asset managers, pension funds and European investment funds. Linda has been honoured as a New Security Leader by the Warsaw Security Forum and a Future European Leader by the Prague European Summit. Linda is an alumna of the University of Glasgow, McGill University and the London School of Economics.
Catharina Sikow-Magny joined the European Commission in 1997 and is currently the Director responsible for Green Transition and Energy System Integration in the Directorate General for Energy. Before that, she was the Head of Unit in charge of Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition. Before that she was the Head of Unit responsible for Networks and Regional Initiatives. She has as well worked on international transport, trans-European network policy and financing, internalisation of external costs, and strategic policy research. Before joining the Commission, Catharina was a team leader and chief economist in the private sector in Finland. She has also worked for the United Nations Development Programme in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Patrícia graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University in Košice, where she received a doctorate in the field of energy. She has a lot of experience in this field - she lectured at various conferences on the issue of the use of renewable energy sources, collaborated on the creation of projects devoted to this topic, published articles in professional magazines and she taught at the Department of Energy Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Technical University in Košice. Her first career steps led to the Košice company Tepelné hospodárstvo, where she became a member of the supervisory board. She subsequently held a similar position in the Chamber of Users and Producers of Renewable Energy Sources in Bratislava. In 2017, she moved to the Bratislava Public Procurement Office, where she worked as a member of the coordination committee. Patrícia Čekanová is also involved in politics. For 16 years, she was a representative of the city district in Košice. Since 2017, he has been working as a department head of the intermediary body for the Integrated Regional Operational Program for the City of Košice. As part of this position, she is responsible for all activities related to the operation and functioning of the entire department, for example, she is in charge of approving European Structural Investment Funds projects. In January 2022, she became the president of the Community Energy Association of the Czech Republic.
Libor is an expert in the field of energy and information technology. Together with his team, he has completed many important projects: the establishment of an organized electricity market, including European integration, a central data warehouse of measured data, settlement of deviations, central invoicing, reporting of business transactions according to REMIT, settlement of support and purchase of RES and VÚ KVET, and registration of guarantees of origin. It also covers the support of the processes of energy suppliers, system operators and the collection and management of measured data from intelligent metering systems. He also applies his experience in the introduction of a liberalized market in Ukraine.
Hariram Subramanian is CTO of the Huawei FusionSolar Smart PV Solution - Europe and is also responsible for large utility scale power plant design and grid integration. He is also the head of PV competence and test center in Nuremberg, Germany. He holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and an MBA degree in International business and strategy.
Before being named to his current role at Huawei, he has held R&D, Product Management and senior technical solution sales positions at PV inverter manufacturing companies. He has worked extensively in the Energy conversion technology field as a senior R&D engineer, especially in the field of control engineering for power electronics and PV Grid Integration. He then moved into techno-commercial and product management roles in the solar inverter industry focusing on utility scale PV projects. He has in total 18 years of experience in the energy conversion business. His interests are Grid integration of Renewables, New PV system Architectures, Applications with innovative power electronics systems like EV and Data Center Power Delivery.
Data scientist and consultant in the field of Energy and Telecommunications, who has been engaged in research in the field of Climate Change for a long time. It cooperates with international scientific centers and publishes in-depth analyzes and solutions to minimize the anthropogenic impacts of Climate Change. He is the vice president of the Slovak Association for Green Roofs and Green Infrastructure, a member of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations, a member of the World Green Infrastructure Network. In these institutions, it covers international scientific research activities related to the impact of Blue and Green infrastructure, including energy efficiency to minimize Urban Heat Islands and Climate Change. He is also the chairman of the Naša Sibírska community, where he is dedicated to the revitalization project of the old housing stock as a model project not only for Slovakia, but also for the EU. This project was nominated for the prestigious WGIN Awards 2023 in the Research category.
David is a member of the Frank Bold expert Group in the Responsible Energy team. He focuses mainly on the topic of community energy in the context of setting system conditions for its effective development. He is responsible for coordinating advocacy and lobbying campaigns, coordinating development projects, and networking. He is also the project coordinator of the Union for Community Energy initiative, which promotes positive systemic changes in the area of setting the legislative environment and setting support mechanisms for community energy. He is responsible for project management, membership acquisition, and building strategic partnerships.
Pavol is the founder of the Poláček & Partners law firm, which has been operating on the Slovak market since 2013. He is in charge of leading key transactions, complex resolution of complex disputes, and strategic consulting in setting processes and risk management. The office currently has 17 lawyers who specialize in energy, construction and litigation. Pavol is annually recommended as a leading energy expert in the recognized international assessments of Chambers Europe and The Legal 500. He regularly lectures on the legal aspects of energy at various conferences. He studied law at Comenius University in Bratislava, European law at Université Paris-Est in Paris and European public administration at KU Leuven in Belgium. Before founding Poláček & Partners, he worked in renowned law firms in Bratislava, Paris and Seoul. Pavol Poláček is registered as a lawyer in the Slovak Bar Association, as a Solicitor for England and Wales in The Law Society (currently not practicing) and as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Court of the Slovak Bar Association. Perfect knowledge of English and French is a matter of course.
Andrej heads the Office for the Regulation of Network Industries since July 2020. His work vision is an effectively communicating state regulator that ensures fair prices, protection of energy poor and vulnerable consumers, and the development of innovation and competition in energy solutions. He brought to the environment of the state regulatory office many years of work experience from the European energy area and the private and public spheres - among other things, he worked as the chairman of the board of the company Západoslovenská distribučná, vice president of the consulting company NERA in the USA, or as a consultant for the World Bank, where he devoted himself to analyzes and policy making in the field of regulation and liberalization of network industries. He is a graduate of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Princeton University in the USA, and Jacobs University in Germany. He considers systemic and transparent performance of regulation, support of competition in developing energy markets, and integration of innovative solutions into the regulation system as the right path as a basic necessity for the development of network industries in Slovakia.
David has worked at KfW Bankengruppe for almost 20 years. With DEG (Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, the private arm of KfW Bankengruppe) he has implemented development projects with private enterprises and financing institutions. For the KfW Carbon Fund, David has developed CDM projects especially with companies in Latin America and supported their implementation, mainly in Brazil. On behalf of KfW’s Development Bank, he has successfully supported projects in nature conservation, marine and coastal protection, biodiversity projects and agricultural projects with government partners and non-governmental institutions in Latin America.
David holds a degree in political science and economics and has completed postgraduate training at the German Development Institute. David is a passionate hobby chef, he is married and has four children.
Michaela Valentová is a researcher at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Her research focuses on various aspects of climate, energy efficiency, and renewable energy policy-making. She also works as an external expert for the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre, evaluating energy efficiency policies and measures. She is a visiting fellow of the International Sustainable Finance Centre and was an affiliated researcher at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge. In her previous work as an energy efficiency policy analyst, she led and contributed to a number of international projects on energy-using products, energy services, and Energy Performance Contracting. Michaela studied for her MSc. at the Central European University, Budapest, and holds her PhD. from the Czech Technical University in Prague.
In the years 2018-2021, I served as the chairman of the board of the Solar Association, then at the beginning of 2022 I took over the association as executive director. During my time in the association, I was involved in several topics and projects. I directed the association to build new PV plants, both rooftop and ground. I deal with topics such as investment protection, permitting processes, connection, financing, grant titles and many other topics. During my tenure, the Solar Association took part in lobbying for the increase of national targets in the field of RES, the setting up of the Modernization Fund, the National Renewal Plan and the New Green Savings program. I started a working group for Big Resources, which within a few months already has fifty members. I was the initiator of the "Principles for the construction of solar power plants" and during my tenure as director more than 100 new members signed up for the association. For several years now, I have been representing the association at meetings at the Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic and recently also at the Chamber of Commerce. As the director of the Solar Association, I want to continue to maintain the continuity of our work and focus on the problems that are and will continue to trouble our sector. Of course, there are still questions about the protection of investments (topics such as retrofit, regulation of reactive power, etc.), but also the setting of conditions for the construction of new power plants, whether small, medium or large.
Joachim Steenstrup is Head of External Affairs & Strategy at Eurowind Energy, a Danish developer, operator and owner of more than 1 GW wind and solar capacity in Europe. Joachim Steenstrup has worked in the energy industry for more than 15 years, with a special focus on renewables. At Eurowind Energy Joachim Steenstrup is responsible for all matters relating to reputation and strategy at group level. He holds a bachelor degree in journalism and an Executive Master degree in Corporate Communication supplemented with additional leadership training at INSEAD.
He currently works as the program director of the Union of Modern Energy, which represents an umbrella platform of associations in the field of renewable energy sources, energy storage, smart grids, energy services and cogeneration. As part of his position, he is in charge of coordinating the content work of the Association, mediating outputs and commenting on legislation. In 2012, he co-founded the Alliance for Energy Self-sufficiency, which is an independent association commenting on the development of the Czech and European energy industry. He also works as the executive director of the news portal, which informs about technological progress in the field of modern energy. Since this year, he has also been an advisor to the Minister of the Environment Petr Hladík (KDU-ČSL) specifically for the field of energy.
He worked in top management positions and corporate structures of energy companies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of STU in Bratislava with a focus on thermal energy and completed his MBA studies at the Prague International Business School. In the company VUJE a.s., where he has been working since February 2022, he holds the position of a member of the board of directors and director for strategic development and international projects.
Karel Hirman (1970) studied oil and gas extraction. From September 2022 to May 2023, he was the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. He worked in several managerial positions in energy companies and managed the energy efficiency project of the Prešov self-governing region financed by the funds of the European Investment Bank (ELENA). He was an external advisor for energy security to Minister of Foreign Affairs Miroslav Lajčák and Prime Minister Iveta Radičová. In the years 2016-2019, he was a member of the international team of advisers to the government of Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodomyr Hrojsman, in which he was responsible for energy reform. He is the author or co-author of several publications on energy security published in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and since the second half of the 1990s he has been publishing on this topic mainly in Slovak, Czech and Ukrainian media. He is a member of the board of the Slovak Society for Foreign Policy. Enterprise in energy, commodities and media.
since January 2022, he is the general director of MH Teplárenského holding, as, which he covers six state thermal. However, he joined the company already in 2020, while working in the post production director. Worked at Veolia Energie ČR, a. s., where he worked in 2015 until 2020 as technical director. However, this company also remained under the Dalkia brand Moravskoslezské teplárny, since he worked there since 2000. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Mining University - Technical University in Ostrava.
He is a graduate of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University in Košice. He started his working career at the company Východoslovenská energetika a.s. in 1998, first as an operating engineer, then as a department head. In 2007, he joined his working career with the company Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s., where he assumed the position of head of the field of energy data and covers the agenda of managing contractual relations for electricity producers until now.
He has been working at VÚB for 20 years and held several positions during his tenure. For a long time, he was devoted to credit risk and the assessment of financing applications for clients from the Small business segment and SME clients. He switched to the corporate division five years ago. He deals with structured transactions in Slovakia and abroad. It cooperates with banks within the ISP Foreign Banks Division, as well as with multinational corporations. As part of its scope, it also focuses on financing projects, mainly in the field of renewable resources. He studied business management at the University of Economics. In his spare time, he is engaged in obstacle races and winemaking.
Juraj Ondrejka is a lawyer and partner of the law firm Poláček & Partners which has been operating on the Slovak market since 2013. The office currently has 19 lawyers who they specialize in energy, construction and dispute agenda. Juraj has Poláček & Partners in charge of energy, especially the area of contractual agenda, transactions, as well as the construction and connection of new energy equipment. In the field of energy, he has also rich publication activity and regularly lectures at energy conferences. The international ranking The Legal 500 ranked him among the key Slovak lawyers in the field of energy. He studied law at the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice. In 2016, he passed the rigorous exam exam and defended a rigorous paper entitled Probability of Trademark Confusion. before joining Poláček & Partners worked for several years at the Vojčík & Partners, where he gained extensive experience in the field of commercial law and intellectual property law and trademarks.
Vilislava Ivanova is a Research Manager supporting E3G’s Clean Economy programme. Vilislava’s role is cross-cutting between decarbonising buildings and enabling the transition to clean energy systems. Vilislava’s work focuses on decarbonising heating, energy efficiency and energy system decarbonisation at the EU level and in key Member States, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. Vilislava has previously worked as Energy Policy Advisor at Energy Systems Catapult, engaging with policy development and advocacy on a variety of topics including energy system innovation, electricity market design, heat decarbonisation and local area energy planning. Vilislava has a master’s degree in Politics, Economics and Philosophy from the University of Hamburg.
Ján was born on June 30, 1974. He lived his entire working and family life in Kežmark. He graduated from the Faculty of Education of the University of Trnava and the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice. He completed his doctoral education at the University of Trnava in the field of Public Health. He completed postgraduate studies at the European Institute of business and public education and subsequent internships at Synthes University - USA, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Malta. He worked as a teacher with a focus on natural sciences and informatics and later as a manager for Slovakia in the American-Swiss consortium for spine surgery. In 2012, he worked as the head of the District Office in Kežmarok, and after the municipal elections in 2014, he took over the leadership of the city of Kežmarok as mayor, where he still works today. He also defends the interests of the city, the region and their citizens as a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and the Prešov Self-Governing Region. Membership in several international associations, commissions and organizations proves his expertise and work zeal. He is a member of the European Committee of Regions, vice president of the Union of Slovak Cities and chairman of the board of the Tatra Euroregion Association. He has an active command of the English language and understands Polish, Russian and German. He lectures on the successes and innovative solutions introduced in Kežmark at international conferences in Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Environmental diplomat and economist. Experienced international expert for creating environmental and climate change policy. Worked as director general and later State Secretary of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Engaged in multilateral “green diplomacy” at the Permanent Representation of the SR to the EU in Brussel, representative of Slovakia in the Governing Board of European Environment Agency and currently is also vice-chairman of OECD Green Growth Committee.
Peter has been working at Huawei Technologies since 2013, where he held various positions. In 2022, he was appointed to the position of Business Development Director for the Digital Power division in Slovakia, where he focuses on the development of projects in the field of renewable energy sources, not only in the ICT segment, but also in the segment of energy services in the industrial sector. He is also interested in innovative solutions for the field of electricity supply for electric cars and data centers.
Peter Dovhun studied at the University of Michigan in the US and at the Faculty of International Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava. Prior to his appointment as Minister of Economy, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Director General of Slovenská eletkrizačná prenosová sústava, Slovakia’s electricity transmission system operator. Before, he held the position of an IT advisor to the minister of finance.
Peter Dovhun has extensive managerial experience, having worked for multinational companies Motorola and Microsoft. He was a member of the Board of Directors of S&T Slovakia, s. r. o., between 2011 and 2013. Working at Gratex International between 2013 and 2018, he was instrumental to the company’s international expansion, first as the managing director for Australia and the Southeast Asia region and later as the company’s CEO and COO. As the CEO of Slovak-US company Tachyum, he was one of the key members of its executive team.
Peter Dovhun also co-founded the Slovak branch of YPO International (formerly Young Presidents’ Organization), a global leadership community of chief executives from 130 countries. He is a mentor under the LEAF Circles programme and a co-author of a Slovak Academy of Sciences feasibility study for the National Supercomputer Centre. Between 2000 and 2014 he worked at the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia.